Six Questions from GBA friend Joie Berhe-Lumax. 

Joie: What percentage of New Orleans is still in your DNA? 
Chike: 100%. It runs through my veins, I'm New Orleans tried and true.
Joie: What would you tell your younger self? 
Chike: Stay the course and never waiver from what you are working to accomplish. The road won't be easy, but you will most definitely succeed.
Joie: Share an unknown documentary we should all see.
Chike: All on a Mardi Gras Day directed by Michal Pietrzyk
Joie: After twenty years of filming Jeen-Yuhs — how did you know when to stop? 
Chike: Well Coodie, my directing partner, was the visionary who pulled the trigger on the camera over twenty years ago, so it was really his decision. But he would tell you the same and that GOD told us! The universe literally lined up all the perfect scenarios for us to see in plain sight in such an undeniable way. All we did was pay attention.
Joie: When was the last time you cried?
Chike: Last week while dreaming.
Joie: Beignet or bagel? 
Chike: Most definitely beignet, anything else would be uncivilized. Duh, lol.